Captain E. Ihenacho, is an experienced maritime executive and industry veteran of many years professional standing. Capt. Ihenacho, an ex-ship master, is a subject of international shipping and general management and regularly entertains Consultation in these fields. He holds respective Masters Degrees in and shipping management from the University of Wales and Bradford, England and is also a member Chartered Institute of Transport and the Nauticel Institute. As the Chairman, he has overall responsibilities for the development of the company’s business which include the conception of necessary corporate action’s plans, the management of the human and materials resources of the organization and the direction of collective energies of the organization towards the achievement of the company’s goals and objectives. It is acknowledgement of his performance in, and outstanding contributions to the maritime industry that Captain E. Ihenacho was awarded the National Maritime Merit Award of “BEST MASTER MARINER IN NIGERIA” for the year 1999.